Joe Soriano
Joe Soriano, Process Department Controller
Joe is a twenty plus year veteran of the legal support industry. He has worked in all aspects of the legal support industry, including court and process service departments for Direct Legal for the past 15 years. He assists the process service department with overseeing documents dispatched, served, filed and reported to clients on a daily basis. He has become as the go to guys, when the job requires special attention to detail or the client has a special service request. Joe’s is a Los Angeles County registered process server and with his detailed orientated customer service, exceptional work ethic, and knowledge provides Direct Legal clients with a perfect balance.
Established 1961
Easy online ordering system
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Track status of your case online
Download completed affidavits
Nationwide Service
Competitive Rates
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National Association of Professional Process Servers
California Association of Legal Support Professionals
In Business Since 1961
Registered Process Servers
Bonded, Licensed & Insured
Nationwide Service
Statewide Service

Corporate / Deposition Officer Address:
901 Corporate Center Dr., Ste. 400
Monterey Park, CA 91754
1200 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 408
Los Angeles, CA. 90017
P: 213-483-4900 E: