Los Angeles Process Servers Since 1961
Our process servers in Los Angeles deliver legal documents seven days a week across L.A. and the entire Los Angeles County. We make service attempts at all hours, including weekends, holidays, and evenings. Each of Direct Legal’s process servers in Los Angeles is bonded and registered in accordance with California Business & Professions Code §22351. Our company is fully licensed and insured to ensure your protection.
Go with experience – our company has been serving civil and small claims legal documents in California since 1961. Routine, Priority, Urgent, and On Demand service of process is available statewide.
Direct Legal’s process servers in Los Angeles serve all types of court documents including: summons and complaint, plaintiff’s claim and order to defendant, wage attachment, bank levy, order for appearance judgment debtor, subpoena, pleadings, discovery documents, out-of-state (foreign) subpoenas for depositions and/or records, landlord tenant notice to pay or quit (3 day and 30 day notices), eviction papers (unlawful detainer), motions, correspondence, out of state court papers and more.
Call us if you need an out of state subpoena issued and served in California or anywhere in the country. We have a team of LA Process servers that specialize in issuing out-of-state (foreign) subpoenas for depositions and/or records. If you need to locate a witness we can help! Direct Legal has been providing clients with nationwide skip tracing services since 1961.
Click here to view our rates for process serving in Los Angeles. Unlike other process serving companies in Los Angeles we offer 4 levels of service for all cities in California and nationwide, including same day service anywhere in Los Angeles County.
Click here to order service of process in Los Angeles, California. After submitting your legal documents for service you can track status online 24/7. Once your court case has been served by a process server a proof of service will be completed and returned to you in a timely manner. We can also file your proof of service if required.
We are a locally owned and operated Los Angeles process serving company located within minutes of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse on North Hill Street, the Metropolitan Courthouse on South Hill Street, the Spring Street Courthouse on North Spring Street, the LAPD, Los Angeles City Hall, the Criminal Court building, and CT Corporation System located at 330 N Brand Blvd, Suite 700, Glendale, CA.
In the event the defendant/subject has moved from the address you’ve given us, our process server will make every effort on-site to locate a new address. If our Los Angeles process server is unable to locate a new address we will promptly contact you for further information. Our firm also has skip tracers available who are experienced in locating defendants, debtors and witnesses for service of legal process nationwide.
We provide a wide array of legal support services in Los Angeles County and throughout California for attorneys, corporations, small companies and the general public. These services include process serving, writ and subpoena service, skip tracing, and photocopy services. If you are looking for a Los Angeles process server, you don’t have to look any further than Direct Legal Support, Inc.
Los Angeles Process Servers 800-675-5376
Cities Our Los Angeles Process Servers Service
Our Los Angeles process serving company serves civil and smalls claims legal documents 7 days a week in the city of Los Angeles and all locations in Los Angeles County. Statewide and nationwide service are also available.
Services Offered
Process Serving, Skip Tracing, Court Filing, Small Claims Court Process Servers, Bank Levy Service, Photocopy & Record Retrieval, Writ Levies, E-Filing, Out of State Subpoena
Direct Legal Support, Inc.
Los Angeles Process Servers Since 1961
Address (mail & delivery only):
1200 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 408
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: 213-483-4900 Fax: 866-241-0051
Established 1961
Easy online ordering system
Upload documents and media
Track status of your case online
Download completed affidavits
Nationwide Service
Competitive Rates


Corporate / Deposition Officer Address:
901 Corporate Center Dr., Ste. 400
Monterey Park, CA 91754
1200 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 408
Los Angeles, CA. 90017
P: 213-483-4900 E: info@directlegal.com